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Staff Burnout: How Do Care Facilities Tackle These Pain Points?

Written by Karen Larsen | Feb 1, 2024

In the heart of every care facility lies a dedicated team committed to providing compassionate support to residents. However, the relentless demands of the caregiving profession often lead to a pervasive issue: staff burnout.

When your team comprises a weary nurse finishing a double shift, a caregiver juggling multiple responsibilities, and exhausted administrative staff, it’s only a matter of time before your quality of care is compromised.

Care Facility Employee Burnout in (Alarming) Numbers 

The statistics surrounding staff burnout in care facilities are a cause for concern, and the toll it takes on employees and residents is undeniable.

According to a June 2022 study by software company OnShift, 49% of senior care professionals ranked feeling stressed and burnt out as the most significant challenge they face. More than half (61%) admitted they were moderately, very, or extremely burned out or stressed.

The study also found that 57% of respondents have considered leaving their jobs in the last year.

As if these statistics weren’t alarming enough, the consequences of the stress and burnout trend don’t just affect your employees—it casts a shadow over the well-being of your residents as well.

In fact, a 2023 study by the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that staff turnover leads to a decreased quality of care, and efforts to monitor and reduce staff turnover can improve patient outcomes.

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What Causes Staff Burnout and Stress in Your Care Facility?

Working conditions have always been stressful and demanding in healthcare and caregiving, and this makes workers in these industries more likely to experience mental health problems. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this issue stems from a number of factors, such as:

  • Intensely stressful and emotional situations in caring for those who are sick
  • Exposure to human suffering and death
  • Unique pressures from relationships with the patient, family members, and employers
  • Working conditions with ongoing risk for hazardous exposures, other contagious infectious diseases, dangerous medications
  • Demanding physical work and risk of injuries such as from patient handling
  • Long and often unpredictably scheduled hours of work
  • Unstable and unpredictable work lives and financial strain
  • High administrative burdens and little control over schedules

Staff burnout has a cascading effect that ripples throughout your entire care facility, impacting professional caregivers and the vulnerable residents they serve.

Recognizing and addressing employee burnout is essential for the well-being of your care facility staff and plays a crucial role in maintaining a high standard of care for your residents.

From Exhausted to Empowered: Help Your Team Navigate Burnout

Caregiving is often overwhelming and exhausting. When your staff members are constantly on a balancing act of caring for patients, supporting their teams, and taking care of themselves, they can quickly wear themselves out. This is why every care facility manager and owner needs to know how to prevent, spot, and resolve employee burnout.

Burnout Prevention is Better Than Cure

Instead of waiting for the telltale signs of burnout to manifest, adopting proactive measures is essential to create a sustainable and supportive work environment. One pivotal avenue in this prevention journey is integrating technology into care facilities.

DosePacker is a technology company specializing in simplifying and streamlining care in facilities like yours. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and high-level expertise, we provide tailored healthcare management solutions for assisted living facilities, skilled nursing facilities, PACE programs, and pharmacies.

  • Streamline Administrative Tasks. Administrative tasks often contribute significantly to the workload of care facility staff. Leveraging technology to automate these tasks can free up valuable time and mental bandwidth.

    DosePacker’s care facility software streamlines resident recordkeeping, medication passing, documentation, and communication, enabling caregivers to focus more on providing quality care.

  • Automate What You Can. Automation is a cornerstone of burnout prevention. It allows your staff to carry out repetitive and time-consuming tasks while minimizing the risk of exhaustion and enhancing efficiency.

    Many care facilities invest in robust, automated medication dispensing systems. DosePacker’s medication management technology pre-packs prescriptions into multi-dose compliance packaging. Our MyDoses app also automates reminders and provides alerts for your caregiver team to help ensure medication adherence.

Read More: The Benefits of Automated Care Home Technology 

Spot the Signs of Employee Burnout

Recognizing manifestations of employee burnout is a crucial aspect of proactive management. By staying attuned to these indicators, care facility owners and managers can intervene early and provide the necessary support.

  • Implement Regular Check-Ins and Surveys. Establish a system of regular check-ins with staff members to gauge their well-being. If you’re unsure how to do that, the American Medical Association’s Caregiver Self-Assessment Questionnaire can help you get started. Short and easy to score, the report allows your staff to evaluate their behavior and health risks and determine whether or not they’re highly stressed.

    Encourage open communication among your team and allow them to express their feelings about their workload, stress levels, and overall job satisfaction without fear of repercussions. Analyzing the results can reveal patterns and trends indicative of burnout, providing valuable insights for interventions.

  • Pay Attention to Behavioral Changes. Increased absenteeism, decreased engagement, and a noticeable decline in performance can be early warning signs of staff burnout. Keep an eye on interpersonal dynamics, as burnout often manifests in strained relationships with colleagues and residents.

    Observing changes in communication styles, enthusiasm for work, and overall demeanor can offer valuable clues about your team's mental and emotional well-being.

How to Overcome Work Burnout Among Your Staff

Despite your best efforts to create supportive environments and promote stress awareness, burnout isn't always entirely preventable. In such cases, the focus shifts to overcoming burnout. Help your team manage stress and address burnout through these effective ways:

  • Implement Support Programs. Establish support programs specifically designed to address the challenges and demands of caregiving. This can include access to counseling services, peer support groups, and stress management workshops. By providing avenues for caregivers to share their experiences, seek guidance, and learn coping mechanisms, you create a supportive community within the care facility.

  • Foster a Positive Work Environment. Cultivate a positive and inclusive work environment that promotes teamwork, recognition, and a sense of accomplishment. Recognize and celebrate your staff’s achievements. Encourage a healthy work-life balance by implementing flexible scheduling options and ensuring reasonable workload expectations. A positive workplace culture contributes significantly to staff morale and resilience, making it less likely for burnout to take hold.

Battle Team Burnout and Deliver Quality Care with DosePacker

As we navigate the challenges of the caregiving profession, one question looms large: How can we ensure the well-being of our staff and ultimately enhance the quality of care for our residents?

The fight against staff burnout requires ongoing efforts to identify and alleviate stressors, promote work-life balance, and nurture a positive and inclusive workplace culture. As an employer, you play a crucial role in ensuring your facility evolves to meet the changing needs of both staff and residents.

The good news is that technology can be your powerful tool and ally.

Care facility owners and managers can pave the way for a healthier work environment by embracing innovative solutions that optimize medication management, streamline resident management, enhance data security, and increase efficiency—without the need to overwhelm and overwork your staff.

Leverage the power of technology for the well-being of your staff, residents, and business. DosePacker can help you do that.

From advanced care home management systems and medication management apps to automated compliance packaging and smart medication storage devices, DosePacker is ready to alleviate the burden on your staff so they can focus on what they do best—provide genuine and quality care.